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Doug Vetter, ATP/CFI

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Radio Control Helicopters

Information Archive (No Longer Updated)

1996 Model X-Cell Custom

NOTE: Due to a change in financial priorities and a lack of time to devote to the hobby, I have sold my X-Cell Custom and Futaba 9ZHPS. However, given the favorable response I've received from readers of these pages, I figured I'd keep them online as a reference. Naturally, they will no longer receive my regular attention and updates.

Note: The internal structure of these pages were updated in January 2004 to conform to new site requirements and web standards. Some outdated content on this page was removed. No new content was added.

X-Cell Custom Project

X-Cell Undressed

In June of 1996, after nearly three months of research, I decided to purchase one of the best Radio Controlled model helicopters on the market, the Miniature Aircraft Supply, Inc. X-Cell Custom. The following pages will document my initial purchasing decisions and the highlights of the building process.

If you're new to RC Helicopters, you may wish to check out a "down-to-earth" view of the most important prerequisite to building a helicopter...the heli pilot's mindset...


Newsgroup rec.models.rc.helicopter PASSES!

In early July, 1996, I initiated a Request For Discussion (RFD) to create a new UseNet newsgroup to help focus discussion specifically related to radio-controlled model helicopters. The RFD turned into a Call For Votes (CFV) by early September, and passed the voting process in early October.

Here's a copy of the message I received:

Subject: Re: Heli News Group
From dave@dogwood.com (Dave Cornejo) Organization Usenet Volunteer Votetakers
Date 8 Oct 1996 09:33:28 -0400
Newsgroups news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,rec.models.rc.air
Message-ID <844781602.18506@uunet.uu.net>
Subject "RESULT: rec.models.rc.helicopter passes 184:15"